We all have many collection points for "stuff" but how easy is it to find - or do we just go and get another?
I'll just put it in there for the mo and deal with it later. Trouble is we don't, we just leave it there along with a load of other stuff we were going to find a logical home for. What if there was one place where all this different stuff, you need to get your hands on, was kept. All neatly stored so you knew exactly where each bit was. It would be great, right? It would also be huge - you wouldn't have room for it in your house or garden.
Apply this concept to your digital "stuff". Files, attachments, jpgs, pdfs, docs, dwgs are on your hard drive, your server, in your email in-box, in your email files, on a datastick and generally scattered around. Now add the fact you need to share the majority of this stuff.
What if there was one place where all this different stuff, you need to get your hands on, was kept...?